Here's all the information you need about the Galapagos Islands to explore this wonder of nature.
Spanish is the official language in Ecuador and the Galapagos, although Quichua is still spoken by many indigenous people in the Andes. Nevertheless, most people working in tourism like hotel and cruise staff as well as most guides speak English.
Mainland Ecuador (Quito and Guayaquil) is GMT -5 hours. The Galapagos Islands are GMT -6 hours. The Galapagos is on Central Standard Time.
Since the year 2000 U.S. dollar is the standard currency in Ecuador and Galapagos.
For travels to Quito and the Galapagos Islands, there are no vaccinations required. However, if you intend to visit mainland Ecuador, especially the Amazon or coastal regions, we recommend you to consult with your trusted Physician. Please do this well ahead of time since some vaccinations need to be administered three months before your trip!
We strongly recommend purchasing insurance for trip cancellation as well as travel and medical insurance to be protected in the event of any unforeseen situations. Please contact your local travel agent or flight dealer for the best offer.
Es necesario adquirir una TCT (Tarjeta de Control de Tránsito) en el aeropuerto de Quito o Guayaquil antes de tomar el vuelo a Galápagos. TCT cuesta $20.- por persona (sujeto a cambios). Al llegar a Galápagos, deberá pagar la tarifa de entrada al Parque Nacional Galápagos, que es de $200 por persona para la mayoría de los visitantes, mientras que los niños menores de 12 años pagan $100 por persona. Para información detallada sobre el precio de entrada al Parque Nacional y los precios especiales para visitantes de alguno de los países de la Comunidad Andina, consulte el enlace al precio de the Galapagos National Park entrance fee.
Usually the luggage for all national flights in Ecuador is restricted to one suitcase/bag/backpack of 20kg max, and one piece of hand luggage of 6 kg max. Please also note that international security rules that apply.
For example, sharp items, explosive and flammable items and generally all dangerous items.
If in doubt whether a certain item is allowed to bring and where to put it please check the following link as a reference.
Permitted and prohibited luggage items in Galapagos
Ecuador, the country that the Galapagos Islands are part of, welcomes tourists and travelers from every country. Visitors from the US, Canada, Australia and most countries in Europe traveling to Ecuador for tourism, business or studies do not require a visa unless they expect to stay in Ecuador for more than 90 days in one "calendar" year ( 90 days adding every entry in one year, that is) or if they are drawing income from an Ecuadorian source. Visitors from these countries will receive a tourist visa of maximum 90 days at the entrance port.
Nevertheless please note that your passport must be valid for at least another 6 months from the entrance day.
Please find below a list of countries that do require a Visa before coming to Ecuador (subject to change):
(Actualizado en septiembre de 2024)
- Afghanistan
- Angola
- Bangladesh
- Cameroon
- Cuba
- Egypt
- Eritrea
- Ethiopia
- Philippines
- Gambia
- Ghana
- Guinea
- Kenia
- India
- Irak
- Iran
- Libya
- Nigeria
- Pakistan
- Nepal
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- North Korea
- Senegal
- Syria
- Sri Lanka
- Somalia
- Venezuela
- Vietnam
- Yemen
- Haiti
- Republic of the Congo
- Mali
- Côte d'Ivoire
- Myanmar
- Uzbekistan
- Tajikistan
- Albania
- Chad
- Guinea Bissau
- Kirguistán
- Mauritania
- Sierra Leona
- Sudán
- Sudán del Sur
- República Popular China
Si tiene dudas sobre la conveniencia de obtener una visa antes de viajar a Ecuador, lo mejor es ponerse en contacto con la Embajada o Consulado de Ecuador más cercano para obtener información sobre las islas Galápagos y resolver cualquier duda relacionada. Esto asegurará que el viaje sea sin contratiempos.